The Zero-Budget Game Marketing Manual - Out Now!

Today Superstring has launched The Zero-Budget Game Marketing Manual - a resource for indie developers offering Brand, PR and community strategies on a shoestring.


From the description:

So you've made a game - a great game! - but nobody has bought it. Nobody is talking about it. Nobody knows it exists. Your problem is one shared with almost every indie developer out there: a lack of awareness.

How do you get attention in a saturated market? How do you communicate what makes your game unique through your marketing assets? How do you create a community and build channels to support it? How do you reach the games media and get influencers playing your game?

How do you sell more copies of your game without having to spend money yourself?

This comprehensive manual - and accompanying materials - shows you how to get your game the attention it deserves with practical, actionable advice, accumulated over twelve years of AAA and indie game marketing experience.

Available in EPUB and MOBI formats, the book is fully optimised for your eReader of choice, and comes with a suite of accompanying resources to help your digital marketing efforts.


The Zero-Budget Game Marketing Manual is available on Amazon/Kindle, Gumroad, Kobo, and our own Superstring store. It’s also available through Patreon, and all Superstring patrons, regardless of tier, are entitled to a copy of the book.

Any questions, comments or thoughts -- we're always around for a chat.